Can't compete with the noncompete rule: FTC's new rule, banning non compete causes

Can’t Compete with the Noncompete Rule: FTC’s New Rule, Banning Noncompete Clauses

What is a Non-Compete Clause?

If you ever come across an employment contract, you may typically find a provision that limits an employee “from working for a competing employer” or “starting a competing business” and restrains such competing acts within a “geographic area and period of time” following...

Can’t Compete with the Noncompete Rule: FTC’s New Rule, Banning Noncompete Clauses Continue reading…
Businesswoman reading a commercial lease

Understanding The Common Pitfalls of Commercial Leases

Commercial leases are crucial for many businesses. They can provide a foundation for operations and growth. However, these complex agreements can be challenging. Many businesses fall victim to common pitfalls with significant financial and legal consequences. 

Sul Lee Law, with its experienced commercial real estate lawyers, assists clients...

Understanding The Common Pitfalls of Commercial Leases Continue reading…
Two business partners discussing terms

Four Tips for Preventing Business Partnership Disputes

Maintaining a healthy business partnership is essential for the success of any business. A strong partnership can lead to increased productivity and the sharing of resources. However, partnership disputes can arise due to disagreements over management styles, financial decisions, or personal differences. These conflicts can lead to costly legal battles and...

Four Tips for Preventing Business Partnership Disputes Continue reading…