Chatting with Texas Business Lawyers: Expectations vs Reality | SUL LEE PLLC

We invited Attorney Sul, Diren, and Dominique to our afternoon chat! ???? What is it like to be a lawyer? Don’t miss out their tips for the law school students, what’s unexpected in the professional law field, their work-life balance, and their role models! Like and Subscribe ???? ——————————————————– Learn more about Sul Lee Law…

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알기쉬운 미국 법률 용어! 부동산편 | Legal Terms to Know about Commercial Real Estate

#commercialrealestate #부동산용어 #법률상식 안녕하세요 이설로펌입니다! 이번 법률 용어 영상에서는 부동산, 특히 상업용 부동산과 관련된 필수 용어들을 정리해 보았습니다. 이영상이 도움이 되셨다면 아래에 좋아요와 구독 버튼 눌러주시면 감사하겠습니다! ???? 법률 용어 시리즈 보러가기 ????알기 쉬운 미국 법률 용어    • [KOR] 법률용어 총정리 시리즈!   이 동영상은 법적 조언을 제공을 목적으로 제작된것이 아님을 알려드립니다. 개인의 케이스에 관한 법률적 조언은 전문변호사와 상담하시기를 추천드립니다….

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[Sul Lee Law Firm] Attorney’s Tips for New Business Owners! #shorts #lawyer #legal

When we start a business for the first time, there are a lot of things to think about ???? ✅ Here are tips from Attorney Sul Lee and Diren Singhe for brand-new business owners! #business #businessnews #startup #dallas #texas #attorney #lawyerlife #lawfirm #youtubeshorts Learn more about Sul Lee Law Firm and our work on

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[Sul Lee Law Firm] Attorney’s Tips for New Business Owners! #shorts #lawyer #legal

When we start a business for the first time, there are a lot of things to think about ???? ✅ Here are tips from Attorney Sul Lee and Diren Singhe for brand-new business owners! #business #businessnews #startup #dallas #texas #attorney #lawyerlife #lawfirm #youtubeshorts Learn more about Sul Lee Law Firm and our work on

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[이설로펌] ❄️연말에 비즈니스 오너가 챙겨야하는 3가지! ❄️ #shorts

끝나가는 2022년, 비즈니스 오너들을 위한 이설 변호사의 3가지 팁! ???? 1. 텍스 시즌 서류 준비! 연말 정산 및, W-2 와 1099 서류등 준비 2. 계약서 검토 및 재계약: 고용관련 설명서, 각종 계약서 업데이트! 3. 이사회 소집과 정관 확인 #비즈니스 #변호사 #로펌 #연말 #2022 #2023 #미국 #텍사스 #달라스 #사업 #미국창업 #상법 Learn more about Sul Lee…

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[Sul Lee Law Firm] 3 Most Common Things That People Overlook When Starting A Business #shorts

‼The three most common things that people overlook when starting a business‼ What you need to know to start your business strong in 2023 ✅ Consult with our Dallas business lawyers for proper preparation for your business. #dallas #lawyers #texas #lawfirm #business #startups #2023 #legaltips #sulleelaw #달라스 #비즈니스 #로펌 #텍사스 #한인로펌 #미국로펌 #미국변호사 #변호사 #창업…

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텍사스로 비즈니스 옮기기! 법인 전환 방법! | 이설로펌

텍사스로 이주를 많이 하는 요즘, 비즈니스 이전도 최근에 많이 늘어나고 있습니다. 오늘 영상에서 텍사스 이주의 장점과 비즈니스를 옮긴다면 어떤 방법이 좋을지 이설 변호사님의 팁 꼭 확인하세요! 00:15 텍사스가 핫한 이유? 주소득세, 노동법, 낮은 물가 02:33 텍사스로 이주시 고려할 점 03:19 텍사스로 비즈니스 전환 vs. 새로운 비즈니스로 변경? 06:17 법인 전환시 왜 변호사 선임이 필요할까요? 07:38…

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Moving to Texas? How to convert your business to a TX business! | SUL LEE PLLC

Thinking of converting your business to a Texas business? Our video offers helpful tips and insights on the process of converting your business to a Texas entity. From selecting the right business structure to navigating state regulations, our experienced attorneys are here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us to schedule your…

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✋ For Online Business Owners | Sul Lee Law Firm #shorts

4 things you should know about running an online business! Check out the original video ????????    • E-commerce Risks …   #lawfirm #lawyer #business #dallas #texas #attorney #tips #legal #legaltips #startup #lawyerlife #copyright #trademark #intellectualpropertyrights “We liberate business from disputes so they can grow and challenge the world” Learn more about Sul Lee Law Firm and our work on…

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What is Fractional General Counsel? | Sul Lee Law Firm

Is your business in need of legal guidance but hesitant to commit to a full-time general counsel? Our latest YouTube video by Managing Attorney, Diren Singhe explains the benefits of fractional general counsel and how it can provide your business with cost-effective legal support. From risk management to contract negotiation, our experienced attorneys can help…

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