
Registering Your Business’ Trademark: Is It Worth the Time and Expense?

Your business’s trademark is one of the most important elements of your company’s brand name. Failing to protect your trademark means failing to protect your business’s reputation. The trademark registration process involves costs and effort, but these more than pay off in the long run. 

Before you decide whether...

Registering Your Business’ Trademark: Is It Worth the Time and Expense? Continue reading…
franchise diagram

Transferring Ownership: What You Need to Know for Small Businesses and Franchises

Transferring ownership of a small business or franchise can be a complicated process. A business owner needs to consider how they wish to make the transfer and whether they want to transfer full or partial ownership. Even when you have a clear-cut idea of the type of transfer you’re seeking, the...

Transferring Ownership: What You Need to Know for Small Businesses and Franchises Continue reading…